Analisis Pengaruh Perendaman Asap Cair dan NaOH terhadap Serat Daun Suji Dengan Perendaman Serat 15%, 20 % dan 25 % Pada Pengaplikasian Panel Panjat Dinding


  • Naca Kirana
  • Yuliyanto Yuliyanto
  • Nanda Pranandita



composite , suji leaf fiber, liquid smoke, bemding test


Suji leaves are one of the new materials that can form natural fibers. Suji leaf fiber is fiber obtained from suji leaves. Suji leaf fiber is one of the new materials that can be made into composite materials. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of immersing leaf fiber on liquid smoke and NaOH with fiber volume fractions of 15%, 20% and 25%, angular orientation (0°) and soaking times of 1 hour, 2 hours and 3 hours. Making composites using the hand-lay up method. Sampling using the full factorial method. The highest bending test result was in immersion of liquid smoke of 48.23 MPa at 25% fiber percentage with 1 hour immersion time. This means that the longer the soaking process of suji leaves with liquid smoke will decrease the flexural strength. The highest flexural test result was in NaOH immersion of 40.6 MPa at 20% fiber percentage with 3 hours of immersion time. This means that the longer the soaking process with NaOH will increase the flexural strength. Based on the BSAPI standard from the results of the bending test, the results obtained in this study cannot be used for making wall climbing panels because they do not meet the requirements, namely 112.8 Mpa, but for the manufacture of other materials such as car dashboards which have a type of High Impact ABS plastic material. 37-76 MPa.


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How to Cite

Kirana, N. ., Yuliyanto, Y., & Pranandita, N. (2023). Analisis Pengaruh Perendaman Asap Cair dan NaOH terhadap Serat Daun Suji Dengan Perendaman Serat 15%, 20 % dan 25 % Pada Pengaplikasian Panel Panjat Dinding. Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur, 15(01), 91 - 97.

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