Author Guidelines

Information for Authors

Publication Fee: Manusech:  Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur  manuscript is free of charge.

Language: Manuscripts sent can use two languages, namely Indonesian or English.

Publishing: Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur is published biannually every June and December. Each script will be uploaded and published online.

Correspondence: All submissions of manuscripts and responses can be made ONLINE, for that Authors are welcome to Register for those who do not have an account or Login for those who already have.

Review Process: All submitted papers will undergo a single blind peer review by at least two reviewers and Editor.


Manuscript must be free of plagiarism. After being declared "Accepted", the text will be published in the closest period of publication. For this reason, the Authors are able to submit the manuscript every day of the year.

The format of the script template can be downloaded here: Manutech Template.

Each text must follow the reference writing standard (citation).

Manutech: Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur uses the IEEE format in reference writing. For this reason the Authors are asked to use this technique in their reference writing.

To avoid errors in reference writing, Authors must use special software for reference such as Mendeley, Endnote, Zotero, etc. Mendeley software can be downloaded for free on this link: Mendeley.

Script Writing:

Paper has state-of-the-art and your technology, sophistication of perspectives and approaches, novel findings for science (novelties, new to science) are presented, completeness of cultivation (not only repeating similar research before, does not mutate methodologies and objects, does not break one research problem in a series of writings). Thus it will not load articles that are only reviews or referrals. The journal only contains papers that have originality and the meaning of scientific contributions of findings / ideas / ideas.

Title: specific and effective (reflecting the meaning of the results not the meaning of the process), can be measured from the writing's innocence (which is no more than 20 words in Indonesian writing, or English) so that the meaning can be comprehensively captured.

Abstract: one abstract paragraph (not a summary consisting of several paragraphs) clearly, intact, and complete describes the essence of the contents of the entire writing (at least there must be: problems, methods to overcome problems, and results).

Keywords: reflect important concepts in articles, written in the order of A-Z

Paper presentations / presentations: have good systematic and standardized (following highly reputable periodic scientific traits), not / do not contain writing with a form of confusion similar to thesis writing (for example: theoretical frameworks that are commonly known are not needed, do not need follow-up suggestions , and its kind). To support descriptive exposure, complementary means (such as pictures, photos, tables and graphs) should be used. Hopefully the paper is prepared in the following framework: Introduction - New proposed algorithm (optional) - Research Methods - Results and Analysis - Conclusions.

Results Analysis: carried out critically and sharply supported by references.

Conclusions: drawing conclusions and widespread appropriation, as well as the establishment of new theories that are well established, and not containing writings containing shallow conclusions and suggestions that the research needs to be continued.

Library:  the literature has an updated level of material referring to the proportion of publications (journals and proceedings) in the last 10 years; while from internet sources, it is only permitted from caliber institutions or Authors; only literature referred to in the text written on the bibliography in the order in which it was quoted (reference must be in order).


if you have any experiences / troubles during submitting a paper in this journal, please download the submission guideline (here), or download directly to :