Manuscript Withdrawal

Authors are not permitted to withdraw submitted papers because there is an agreement in the submission process that this article is not in / is in the process of review / late publication in other journals, wasting the time of editors and other reviewers who are extremely precious. Editors and reviewers have committed a significant amount of time in processing submitted manuscripts, fees, and works by publishers.

If the author still requests the manuscript's withdrawal while it is still being peer-reviewed, the author will be penalized Rp 1,000,000, - per manuscript as a withdrawal penalty to the publisher. However, it is unethical to withdraw articles submitted to one journal if they are accepted by another. Manuscript withdrawal is only permitted after the Publisher has received full payment of the withdrawal penalty.

If the author refuses to pay the fine, the author and its affiliates will be banned from publishing in this journal. Let us work together to create a culture of publication by developing academic ethics/publication principles.