Alat Pendeteksi Denyut Nadi Berbasis Arduino Yang Diinterfacekan Ke Komputer


  • eko sulistyo



arduino mega 2560, BPM, database, pulse, pulse sensor


Heartbeat/pulse is an important factor in the health sector that determines the health condition of
a person's body. The method of measuring the number of the pulses is still using the manual method by
calculating the rate of the heartbeat/pulse per minute. To know one's pulse, it needs to make
measurements in the hospital, so not everyone can measure their own pulse. The solution of this problem
is the manufacture of human pulse detection device that works automatically in real time and can be
connected with the computer. The purpose of this study is to help people or medical personnel in
calculating the pulse rate digitally. The stages of this research is the pulse sensor used to detect the
human pulse can be put on a three-site measurements, on a finger, ear and forehead, then processed by
the arduino mega 2560 as the central system. The measurement data is Beat Per Minute (BPM) will be
shown to the LCD and can be also interfaced into a database using Visual Basic 6.0. The result shows that
the average pulse measurement by using the tool is 77.3 BPM (Beat Per Minute) and manually is 76 BPM
(Beat Per Minute) with the accuracy of this tool reaches 98.32% and it takes 10 seconds to display the
average value of BPM (Beat Per Minute).


Download data is not yet available.


[1]. Abdul Kadir, A. From Zero to a Pro Arduino (Panduan Mempelajari Aneka Proyek Berbasis Mikrokontroler). 2015. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi, 2015.
[2]. Pulse Sensor Getting Started Guide [Online], diakses pada 25 April 2016, Available:
[3]. Ebookinga, Visual Basic 6.0 [Online], diakses pada 21 Juni 2016, Available:
[4]. Omend Lippershey, Komunikasi Serial Visual Basic 6.0 [Online], diakses pada 12 Juli 2016,




How to Cite

sulistyo, eko. (2019). Alat Pendeteksi Denyut Nadi Berbasis Arduino Yang Diinterfacekan Ke Komputer. Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur, 8(02), 7-11.