Implementasi Voip Server Berbasis IPV6 Dengan Raspberry PI


  • Rabbai San Arif
  • Yuli Fitrisia
  • Agus Urip Ari Wibowo



VoIP, Raspberry Pi, Quality of Service, IPv6


Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a telecommunications technology that is able to pass the communication service in Internet Protocol networks so as to allow communicating between users in an IP network. However VoIP technology still has weakness in the Quality of Service (QoS). VOPI weaknesses is affected by the selection of the physical servers used. In this research, VoIP is configured on Linux operating system with Asterisk as VoIP application server and integrated on a Raspberry Pi by using wired and wireless network as the transmission medium. Because of depletion of IPv4 capacity that can be used on the network, it needs to be applied to VoIP system using the IPv6 network protocol with supports devices. The test results by using a wired transmission medium that has obtained are the average delay is 117.851 ms, jitter is 5.796 ms, packet loss is 0.38%, throughput is 962.861 kbps, 8.33% of CPU usage and 59.33% of memory usage. The analysis shows that the wired transmission media is better than the wireless transmission media and wireless-wired.


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How to Cite

Arif, R. S., Fitrisia, Y., & Wibowo, A. U. A. (2019). Implementasi Voip Server Berbasis IPV6 Dengan Raspberry PI. Manutech : Jurnal Teknologi Manufaktur, 9(01), 47-54.