Muhammadiyah, SMKN, private, scout, sungailiatAbstract
The education law is one of the legal rules from the government that must be carried out by educational institutions both at low to high levels, to implement the law, one of which is about community service, to support the tri dharma of higher education where the Bang Kabelitung State Police is one of the Polytechnics located in Bang Kabelitung Province, precisely in Bangka Induk Regency, especially in the Airkantung industrial area where the existing infrastructure facilities on campus support the tri dharma process. In carrying out the mandate of Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning National Education, namely teaching, research, and community service, besides that, there are also problems that often arise where the means to support material on electronic circuits at SMK Muhammadiyah Sungailiat Bangka are not adequate, so this training is needed. With this proposal, it is hoped that from the three points it is deemed necessary to provide a prograthatch aims to increase understanding of the basics of electrical circuits in parallel and series connections to understand this it is necessary to have a program to improve skills for students who in SMK, to run this program, students will be educated or taught techniques or procedures for installation, assembly, and counting both in series and parallel in kepuluan Bangka Belitung. This program, it will be implemented at SMK Muhammadiyah Sungailiat with the address Jalan Prakmuka Parit Padang Sungailiat, Bangka Induk Regency.
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